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What is bodybuilding? Does it bring health benefits?

Bodybuilding raises a lot of controversy because in order to achieve that muscular hypertrophy it is necessary to go to external aids, such as hormones and other protein preparations

the bodybuilding is a physical activity that is based on lifting weights and perform various anaerobic exercises. The goal is to burn fat and mark the muscles.

If you want to know more about bodybuilding and if it has health benefits, do not hesitate to read this article.

What is bodybuiling ?

This activity is mostly done in the gym, where they have all the equipment and different weights. The goal of bodybuilding is to have a well-marked, strong and defined body. Also maintain a symmetry between the torso and the legs.

bodybuilding, where the muscles are hypertrophied and it is not necessary to do various poses to show the changes.

While they may seem similar, this discipline differs greatly from weightlifting (weightlifting), powerlifting or crossfit .

In some countries it is recognized as a competitive sport and has associations or councils that bring together athletes and also teachers and gyms.

The origins of this discipline date back to the time of the Greeks. It is worth remembering that men were preparing to compete in the Olympic Games and the winner, it was believed, was the closest to the gods of Olympus.

The word "bodybuilding" as we know it today comes from French . In this country is where the discipline arises with aesthetic purpose.

Eugen Sandow was a Prussian athlete, and was the first to make exhibitions showing his muscles. That is why he is known as the "father of modern bodybuilding."

It also sold equipment or mechanical equipment for exercises such as pulleys and weights. He was in charge of organizing the first contest in 1901.

3 premises to be a bodybuilder

If you are thinking of being a bodybuilder at some point in your life you should know that those who practice bodybuilding must follow 3 main rules:

Weightlifting against resistance

  • In this way there are transformations in muscle fibers ( microtrauma, according to the medical term).

  • Routines divided into series and repetitions are used, as well as temporary schedules, interspersing cycles of more or less weight.

  • In addition, the areas are worked separately: arms, back, torso or legs, according to each routine.

High quality diet

It is composed mostly of natural proteins and, in certain artificial cases. This helps superior growth and repair.

In addition to those supplements ingested daily, bodybuilders eat more protein than any "normal" person. Thanks to this, you can repair the damage caused to the muscles during the training routine.

Carbohydrates are also part of a bodybuilder's diet, this is because they provide the energy needed to perform the exercises.

Adequate rest

Without getting enough sleep, an athlete cannot see results on his body. Sleep helps rebuild and repair damaged fibers during exercise. You need to sleep 8 hours every day and train 5 times a week.

This way you will be able to train better every time you attend the gym.

The bodybuilding : is an "artificial" sport?

Several investigations have been carried out to know the health problems that bodybuilding can cause but, above all, the indiscriminate use of substances and drugs to improve the appearance of the muscles . The latter associated mostly with those competing in various competitions.

That is why this activity is quite questioned by doctors and other athletes. Some people do not consider it a sport despite being practiced in the gym.

In order to obtain muscles such as those seen on television or movies, not only weight lifting work is performed, but must be combined with artificial elements. For this reason there are anti-doping controls in important competitions.

The human body is not designed to support 50 kilos more muscle. Therefore, bodybuilding is something artificial, such as anything that is added (breast implants, for example).

In nature there is no way to get a body this marked only with exercise , and that is where the controversy begins.

Many athletes consume hormones to enlarge their muscles. This can cause considerable hypertrophy since, when they stop training or ingesting them, they cause the loss of what has been achieved.

Something similar happens with diets of the "miraculous" type and the much hated "rebound effect."

Side effects of bodybuilding

It is valid to clarify that the problem is not to lift weights and have marked muscles, nor to lower the fat of certain parts of the body through exercise. Hazards can begin when certain substances are consumed to accelerate the process or more weight is lifted than we can.

The disadvantages of artificial proteins are:

  • Overload in the kidneys, which involves all kinds of kidney diseases such as stones, insufficiency, etc.

  • Damage to the blood vessels (also caused by renal imbalances), hypertension and myocardial infarctions (possibility of death).

  • Decalcification of bones, osteoporosis, fragile and brittle bones.

  • Dehydration of cells and organs.

  • Sexual impotence, infertility problems.

With regard to the practice of bodybuilding itself, these side effects stand out, for example:

  • Possibility of injury for not performing the exercises accordingly.

  • Muscle fatigue from increasing loads.

  • Disc herniation, problems in the spine.

  • Bone dislocation, tendinitis, inflammation.

Surely now you know much more about this practice. In all sports disciplines there are risks, however, in this particular case, it is convenient to know that the body has its limits and that it is not always beneficial to exceed them. In short, in case you want to develop our muscles above normal, make sure you never sacrifice your health to get it.

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