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How exercise influences memory and learning ?

You need to find time to do physical exercises. Exercise is not only good for the body, but for mental health as well. In this article we tell you how physical exercise improves memory capacity and facilitates learning.

The importance of practicing physical exercises

According to a study published by the UAB , physical exercise can be helpful in keeping calm from daily stress . Practicing it makes us respond better to the action of the hormone cortisol, which puts us in better conditions to achieve our goals while maintaining health.

In addition, WHO confirms that regular physical activity helps us stay at the right weight. It is, without a doubt, an effective way to reduce the risk of serious illnesses, such as the dreaded cerebrovascular diseases .

Contrary to what many people think, staying active does not require a great investment of time or effort. According to the WHO, 150 minutes of physical activity of moderate intensity per week will be enough to keep us healthy; Of course, this has to be complemented by a balanced diet and a good rest.

Relationship between physical exercises and the brain

As detailed in this study of the University of La Rioja, one of the reasons why exercise favors brain health is oxygenation. In other words, the more efficiently the blood pumps the heart , the more oxygen reaches the brain.

However, recent studies have shown that the effects of physical exercises also depend on other factors. For example, in the case of athletes, the results are not the same in a teenager as in an adult. That is, the earlier an individual begins to exercise, the better the results .

The human body is designed to be in motion. Thus, when we move the body, our brain is also activated. In fact, learning and memory evolved as the motor functions were also doing.

Physical activity improves the ability to learn

Following what is detailed in the study of the aforementioned ULR, we can say that, due to the improvement of brain functions and hormonal reactions that it produces, the usual practice of physical exercises improves alertness, attention and motivation . All this contributes to the development of cognitive processes in general.

From the neurological point of view, learning is translated, then, in the stimulus that neurons need to unite with each other. The formation of these new connections or synapses is what allows our brain to incorporate new information . This is what we call "learning."

On the other hand, scientific research confirms that exercise favors the development of new nerve cells from stem cells in the hippocampus . This is one of the areas of the brain related to memory and learning.

Studies have been conducted to investigate the relationship between the usual practice of physical exercises and the ability to learn in children. The results are conclusive: performing physical exercises improves not only reading ability, but cognitive function in general.

Our brain is therefore flexible. It is an organ that can be molded in the same way as a muscle when lifting weights. Thus, the more the brain is used, the stronger and more ductile it becomes. You know: practicing physical exercise also helps your cognitive functions to develop.

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