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Discover the Best 16 Bosu Ball Exercises to Try

This handy piece of equipment can be used for a variety of exercises. Bosu balls can be used to do a complete body workout, including core and chest exercises.

There are many options. That's why we created this list of the best bosu ball exercises. Each exercise is supported by video guidance. To get a great workout, all you need is space and a bosuball.

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#1 Bosu Ball Plank Tap Out

You can do bosu ball exercises anywhere. You can take your bosuball out in the sun and get a great workout on grass, as you can see from our how-to video.

Get Set up

You should find a place where you can jump and make noise. You might want to go outside if you are trying to do this at home with neighbors.

Start Position

Begin by lowering your elbows into a plank position. The bosu ball should be directly at your feet. Next, lift your feet onto the bosu balls one at a. Your spine should be straight, with your core tight.


  • Make sure your feet are in line with each other.

  • Next, lift the bosu ball off your feet and then jump so your feet are on either side of it.

  • Straighten your back on the ball and return to the starting position.

  • For the recommended reps or sets, repeat.

Muscles Worked

Rectus abdominis and adductors, deltoids and hip flexors.

Sets/Reps8-12 reps, 3 sets

Common Mistakes

Bend your knees:Bosu ball abs exercises require a lot of energy, and this is a major mistake. Due to the high amount of energy required, fatigue can be quite quick. This could lead to your knees dropping to the ground or bending. You should decrease the recommended reps and sets if you feel this.

Let the head fall:Similar to the previous point: letting your head drop can be a sign that you are tired. Bosu ball core exercises like this require stability, strength and balance. If you feel your head drop or your back arching, it is time to take a break!

#2 Bosu Ball Chest Press

You're looking for Bosu balls chest exercises? This exercise demonstrates the versatility of a Bosuball and how it can be used for a full-body workout. It is ideal for home practice as you will only need a small area.

Get Set up

This exercise can be done with dumbbells you are comfortable pressing your chest. To reach hypertrophy training level, you must be able to lift weights greater than 8 reps. However, this should not exceed 12.

Start Position

Start by placing your back on the Bosu ball. Then, move around until you feel it is comfortable and stable. You should place your feet on the ground. When you have reached this position, grab the dumbbells using an overhand grip.


  • Start in the beginning position and push your dumbbells vertically.

  • Tension is important.

  • Slowly lower yourself with your elbows to the side.

  • Next, raise the dumbbells and then repeat.

Muscles Worked

Pectorals and triceps.

Sets/Reps8-12 reps, 3 sets

Common Mistakes

  • Pushing from the heels:Bosu ball balance exercises require that any tension that stabilizes the body, such as the ones in Bosu ballbalancing, should come from the heels. This will make it easier to balance and help you focus on your weight lifting, not stability.

  • Too heavy lifting:Bosu ball chest exercises need weights. Typically, dumbbells are being pushed above the head. This comes with a certain level of risk, as too heavy weight could lead to the weights falling. This is because dumbbells are placed during the exercise. It can lead to a serious fall.

#3 Bosu Ball Plank Leg Lift

This exercise is one of the most advanced Bosu balls exercises. It offers a great core workout. This is an excellent option for those who have difficulty with straight-armed planks. You can also use your forearms to make it easier.

Get Set up

Place your Bosu ball on the table in front of yourself. This exercise can be done in a studio or outside. You will be placing your weight on the ball so it needs to be flattened and stable.

Start Position

You can rest your elbows on your elbows in a plank position. Your toes should be on the Bosu ball. Your core should be engaged and your forearms flat on the ball.


  • Start by raising one leg vertically from the ground. Keep both legs extended.

  • Keep your core tight by bringing the lower leg down and raising the opposite.

  • Continue the process.

Muscles Worked

Glutes, quadriceps, quadriceps, and hamstrings.

Reps/Sets8-12 reps, three sets

Common Mistakes

  • Releasing the back:It's simple to create a V-shape with your body to raise the back when the core starts to fatigue. Although it may seem like you are still working out, the fact is that you are actually wasting your energy because you have poor technique.

#4 Bosu Ball Ab Roll Back

Bosu ball core exercises can be done with the help of a medicineball. This exercise is no exception. Although this is a difficult exercise, you can do it without extra weight. If you're looking for a medicine ball, pick from the best medicine balls here.

Get Set up

Make sure you have enough space around you before you lie down on the Bosu ball. To intensify the workout, you will need a medicineball.

Start Position

Place your feet on the ground with your back against the Bosu ball. To stabilize yourself on the Bosu ball, there should be enough room between your legs. Next, get into a sitting position and grab the medicine ball.


  • The medicine ball should be held in your hands, with your elbow bent slightly.

  • Next, you can use your core to move forward.

  • Keep your chin down and move the ball to just above your knees.

  • Move the ball backwards until your arms are fully extended behind you.

  • Continue.

Muscles Worked

Rectus abdominis, obliques.

Reps/Sets8-12 reps, three sets

Common Mistakes

The Bosu ball's lower back can be lifted: This will change the exercise. You should do this in a crunching motion, not a full sit-up. Only your shoulders should touch the Bosu ball.

#5 Bosu Ball Scissor Plank

A second variation of the plank is another great Bosuball exercise. Bosu ball scissor plansks are a great exercise for your core. They can be used to complement your HIIT training and push you further.

Get Set up

All you need to set this up is your Bosu ball and yourself. Because of the need for balance, you will also want a flat surface.

Start Position

Begin by balancing on the Bosu ball, dome-side up. Next, place your forearms on the ball. Once you are able to balance, lift your forearms off the Bosu ball and place your legs straight ahead.


  • Start in the starting position. Jump your feet out into a wide stance. A slight bend in your knees can help you gain power.

  • Jump your feet together.

  • For the recommended length of time, repeat the movement.

Muscles Worked

Rectus abdominis and adductors, glutes and glutes, deltoids, hip flexibilityors and the calves.

Duration:Continue the motion for another 30 seconds.

Common Mistakes

  • Allowing the back of the body to dip:This is one of the best Bosu ball leg exercises, and it requires stamina. This means that if you feel tired, your back can begin to dip. Keep your core tight and engaged, and take a break if you feel the need to rest.

#6 Bosu Reverse Bicep Curl

This is one of the best Bosu ball balance exercises. It requires coordination, strength, and practice. You might not be able to do it immediately, but keep at it until you get stronger.

Get Set up

You will need a lot of space for this exercise. It is best to practice it in a gym or studio so that you don't have to worry about the barbell falling off. To set this up, you will need a Bosu barbell and a ball.

Start Position

This exercise requires balance.

  • Find a flat surface on which to place the Bosu ball. Then, grab your barbell with an overhand pronated grip.

  • Once you know your weight, balance yourself by carefully stepping onto the Bosu ball side.


  • After you are able to balance the barbell in its starting position, bend at your elbows and curl it.

  • Move the barbell up until it touches your shoulders.

  • Keep your elbows and arms close to the body.

  • Reduce tension by lowering the arm tension and reverse the curl movement.

  • Restore your position to start over and then repeat.

Muscles Worked

Forearms, quadriceps, and biceps.

Reps/Sets8-12 reps, three sets

Common Mistakes

Too heavy lifting:It is important that you keep track of your weight because this exercise requires balance. You could injure yourself by lifting too much weight.

#7 Bosu Ball Side Plank

This plank is one of the most popular Bosu ball exercises. You can even use your glutes for some of this movement.

Get Set up

This exercise can be done with a Bosuball and a flat surface. The Bosu ball should be placed on its side.

Start Position

Begin by lying on your back, with your forearm resting on the Bosu ball. Next, lift your feet up so that they are stacked on top. The other arm should be on the outside of your body.


  • This is the starting point.

  • Make sure your legs meet your torso, and that your core is engaged.

  • Your forearm should be flat against the Bosu ball.

  • Keep it for the recommended time.

Muscles Worked

Abdominals and obliques, as well as glutes.

Duration:For 30 seconds, hold the button down.

Common Mistakes

Take a look at your hips.If you are new to the exercise, it is possible to feel fatigued quickly. You might need to adjust your duration. You can stop if you feel tired and your hips sink to the floor. Refuel and start again.

#8 Bosu Ball Squat Press

The Bosu squat press is a great exercise that requires serious strength and balance. It may take some time to master this skill, but don't worry if it takes some practice. You will eventually get the hang of it.

Get Set up

You will need two dumbbells and a Bosuball for this exercise. You may have to lose weight because you will be balancing on the Bosu balls. Your stability could also be affected.

Start Position

Place your Bosu ball flat on the ground. Take two dumbbells and place them in one hand. Next, step on the Bosu ball. To find your balance, your feet should be at shoulder width.


  • Start by lowering your dumbbells so that they face outward. Your elbows should be bent at 90 degrees.

  • This position is your starting point.

  • You can rest briefly at the bottom of your squat, then push yourself up again.

  • Press the dumbbells up until you return to the original position.

  • Return the arms to their original position.

Muscles Worked

Gluteps, quadriceps, core, pectoralis Major and triceps.

Reps/Sets8-12 reps, three sets

Common Mistakes

  • Too heavy lifting:You run the risk of your dumbbells becoming too heavy and causing you to lose your balance. This can be avoided by starting small with your weight and feeling how the ball feels on you.

#9 Bosu Ball Knee Drives

You've come to the right place if you are looking for core exercises using Bosu balls. Bosu balls are great for slow variations of what you might also call mountain climbers. They're great for a HIIT circuit, or as a finishing exercise.

Get Set up

This exercise can be done with your Bosu Ball on a flat surface. You can grab the handles on many Bosu balls, or just hold it flat if you need more stability.

Start Position

Begin by grasping the sides with your hands. Your body should be in a plank position with a strong core and straight back.


  • Start by bringing your right knee towards your chest. Keep tension in your core.

  • Straighten the leg.

  • Place your left knee in your chest, and then return your leg straight.

  • For the recommended time, repeat this process.

Muscles Worked

Abdominals & obliques

Duration:30 seconds

Common Mistakes

The knees are off the ground:You may feel like your knees are going to give out when you start to feel tired and your core is exhausted. If you feel like your core is losing power, it's time to take a break.

#10 Bosu Ball Oblique Crunch

The oblique crunch is next on our list. This is a great oblique crunch variation and is one of best exercises for defined obliques.

Get Set up

To keep your feet comfortable, set up the exercise on a flat surface. It's best to wear comfortable shoes for this position as your feet will be facing each other.

Start Position

Begin by lying on your back on the Bosu ball. Your hips and torso should be parallel to the Bosu ball. Your left leg should be extended in front of your right leg and your left side behind. Then, place your hands on your back.


  • When you are comfortable in the starting position and feel confident, move your body to crunch laterally.

  • Then, you should return to your starting position before you start crunching again.

  • Continue to do the recommended sets and reps.

Muscles Worked

Abdominals and obliques.

Reps/Sets8 reps, 3 sets

Common Mistakes

Bad placement of the Bosu ballBosu ball abs exercises work only when done correctly! You won't feel all the motion if you are too high on the ball (i.e. your hips are on the ground) You will feel the full range of motion during the crunch, so make sure you check the video.

#11 Bosu Ball Hip Raise on One Leg

This is a great exercise to increase your glutes or activate them before a leg-day. All you need is a Bosu Ball and you. This is a great home workout because it requires no additional equipment.

Get Set up

This exercise can be done on a flat surface with a mat under you and your Bosu ball. You can add a resistance band to this exercise to increase the intensity.

Start Position

Your upper back, shoulder blades and hands should be on the Bosu ball. Your hips should not touch the Bosu ball. One leg should be straight up, making a V-shaped shape with the rest. The other should be bent with your foot flat to the ground.


  • Once you are comfortable in the Bosu ball area, and have learned the starting position, push up on your bent leg. This will allow the pressure to be transferred to the heel, not to the toes.

  • You should be using your glutes to drive the movement. The supporting leg should also be used.

  • Next, return to the starting position and do the recommended sets of reps.

Muscles Worked

Glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings and erector spinae.

Reps/Sets8-12 reps, three sets

Common Mistakes

The wrong ball placement:The effectiveness of your work out can be affected if you place your body too high on the ball. You will experience less muscle contraction if you don't have enough room to drive your hips up. To ensure that you get the full benefits of this glute exercise, make sure to watch the video.

#12 Bosu Ball Hops

This is a great Bosuball exercise for beginners, as it's easy to do as long as you have a Bosuball and space. You can do this exercise outdoors, as you can see from our video.

Get Set up

Place your Bosu ball upside down on a flat surface. This is a dynamic and fast-paced exercise that requires you to wear shoes that can allow for high intensity movement.

Start Position

Bosu ball exercises almost always require coordination and balance. One foot must be on the ground, the other on the Bosu ball.


  • Start in the starting position and push the foot to the Bosu ball. Then, hop to the side.

  • It is important to have switched positions, so you are not in the starting position but the opposite side.

  • Once you feel that momentum is building, jump from one side to the other and move the ball around.

  • For the recommended time, repeat the actions.

Muscles Worked

Groin, quads and hamstrings.

Duration:30 seconds

Common Mistakes

Practice on an uneven surfaceBosu ball exercises require a flat surface. This one is especially important. The Bosu ball should be stable enough to support your weight without bouncing up and down. The risk of injury increases when the workout is fast-paced.

This exercise is great to add into your circuit routine, read about the benefits of circuit training here.

#13 Bosu Ball Burpee

This Bosu ball abs exercise can give you the perfect combination of resistance training or HIIT training.

Get Set up

You will need a Bosu ball to set up this exercise. To get the hang of the exercise, warm up by doing a few burpees every so often.

Start Position

The handles of the Bosu ball should be held by your hands and lifted above your head. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and the ball should be in the air.


  • Start in the starting position. Now, squat down while simultaneously jumping into the plank position.

  • You should be able to hold the Bosu ball dome-side down and place your hands on your toes.

  • Now, extend your legs straight up towards your chest and keep your feet on the ground.

  • Next, use the Bosu ball for push-ups to get back in the starting position.

  • Continue.

Muscles Worked

Pectorals, deltoids and abdominals.

Duration:30 seconds

#14 Bosu Ball Front Lunge

Bosu balls are not just for the upper or core, but there are many other exercises that can add to your leg day.

Get Set up

This exercise can be done in a space that allows for movement and with a Bosu ball. This exercise is great to do at home, or in a studio at the gym.

Start Position

Start the workout by placing the Bosu Ball in front of your body. Next, lift one leg off the Bosu Ball and place it at 90 degrees. Keep your foot flat on the Bosu Ball.


  • To form a lunge, you should start in the starting position.

  • Your knees should not touch the ground, but should be slightly above.

  • You can hold your hands in front of your face or place your hands on your hips for balance and comfort.

Muscles Worked

Quads, glutes (hamstrings), hamstrings, and calves.

Reps/Sets8-12 reps, three sets

Common Mistakes

  • Bending the backThis exercise should not be done with your back bent. It could cause aches and pains or even harm your technique.

#15 Bosu Ball Hamstring Flexion

This is the ideal exercise to add to your leg day if you are looking for a way to work the glutes without using too much equipment.

Get Set up

This exercise can be done with just a Bosuball and a mat. This is an exercise you can do outdoors on a Bosuball, as you can see from the video. So why not go outside and enjoy a workout with our list of exercises?

Start Position

Place the Bosuball on the ground with the ball facing down. Then, lie down so that your back touches the ground and one of your feet is flat on the Bosu Ball. Your knee should be bent, your foot should be stable and your opposite leg should be straight up in front of you.


  • Start in the starting position and push up with your foot on the Bosu Ball and your glutes.

  • You have created a bridge by driving your hips up.

  • Reverse the process and return to the original position.

Muscles Worked

Glutes, quadriceps, erector Spinae, and hamstrings.

Reps/Sets8-12 reps, three sets

Common Mistakes

The back arch:It is important not to arch your back while lifting weights. As arching your back can cause strain on the muscles that you want to work, your hips should align with your back. The glutes should drive the movement more than any other part.

Don't forget to stretch before and after your workout, for more useful information, read our article on the benefits of dynamic stretching.

#16 Bosu Ball Boat Boat Pose

This exercise might be familiar to you if your are a yoga enthusiast. However, it is one of our favorite core strengthening exercises with a Bosu Ball, so we decided to add it to our list. You will need to have coordination and core strength to do this exercise so make sure you include it in your routine.

Get Set up

It is very easy to set this up. All you have to do is place the Bosu ball on a surface that is comfortable. It is important to have a mat or a surface that is comfortable underneath this exercise.

Start Position

Start by placing the Bosu ball on a flat surface. Next, place the ball in the middle of your body.


  • Slowly lift your legs so that they are slightly bent at the knees and the calves are parallel.

  • Your upper body should be raised and your arms should be straight in front of your face. Your hands should be just below your knees.

  • Engage your core, and your body will form a V shape.

  • This position should be held for the recommended time.

Muscles Worked

Rectus abdominis. Hamstrings. Vastus lateralis. Obliques.

Duration:20-30 seconds

Common Mistakes

Pointing your toesYour toes should be flexed during this exercise. This exercise is primarily a core workout. You should avoid straining your legs and keep the tension on your trunk.


What should I do if my Bosu Ball gets punctured?

Although punctures can be avoided if you use your Bosu ball correctly, Bosu has some tips for you if you do.

A vinyl patch made from an air mattress, pool liner, or mattress is recommended. These materials can be found at your local hardware shop. There is an alternative product that can be used to treat your Bosu Ball.

Air Stop is a product that comes in a tube, just like toothpaste. This product is reliable and is used to repair basketballs and other footballs.

How do I store my Bosu Balls?

To ensure that your Bosu Ball stays in its best condition, it is highly recommended to store it correctly.

Your Bosu Ball should be kept out of direct sunlight. It should also be stored dome-side up and platform side down. If you work in a gym, or have multiple Bosu Balls at your disposal, they should be stacked dome to dome or platform to platform.

Before you go...

You now have plenty of Bosu Ball workouts to keep you busy on any given day, so you can start a fitness program that suits you.

Bosu Balls can be a great way to increase your strength, coordination, and balance.

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