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6 exercises to refine and shape your waist

Beyond the desire to have a slim and toned figure, what many women crave is to lose centimeters of their waist so that their body looks more molded and feminine .

Although diet is a good way to achieve this , the exercise remains one of the main keys to get the desired results.

Mostly, the extra pounds in this area are the result of a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits. However, genetic and metabolism issues also influence .

Leaving the cause aside, there are several training routines with which you can work locally to shape your waist in a short time.

This time we are going to share 6 simple exercises that you can do at home to shape and refine your waist.

1. Static obliques

The obliques are muscles that are located at the sides of the abdomen. The exercise of static obliques is an exercise of strength that will allow you to affirm the area of the waist and abdomen .

How to do it?

  • First, lie on your side, with your legs straight, one on top of the other.

  • Next, raise your hip and legs and try to keep them elevated for 20 seconds.

  • Slow down and perform the same movement on each side.

  • Remember that the abdomen must be contracted and the back straight .

2. Elevated legs and lateral balancing

There are many elevated leg movements with which you can work the various muscle groups of the body. In this case we propose one in particular, which makes short movements to the sides.

How to do it?

  1. Lie on your back on an exercise mat and raise your legs.

  2. Bend your knees a little and put your arms at your sides with your palms on the floor.

  3. Keeping your legs together, move them first to the right side

  4. Then put them in the center and take them to the left side.

  5. Repeat the same movements for 45 seconds and rest.

3. Side abs

The advantage of abdominal exercises is that they can be done in many ways and all serve to shape the abdomen. This is done with a slight lateral movement that allows you to focus much more on the waist.

How to do it?

  • First, lie on your back with your knees bent

  • Then, get up until you reach the right knee with your left elbow.

  • Go back to the starting position

  • Then repeat the movement with the right elbow to the left knee.

  • Make continuous and alternating movements for 45 or 60 seconds.

4. Stretching arms

This is one of the simplest exercises you can do at any time of the day.

How to do it?

  1. First, stand with your back straight, feet together and arms raised.

  2. Then, stretch your right arm as much as you can, as if you wanted to reach the ceiling using only that side.

  3. Perform it carefully, giving gentle stretches to avoid injuries.

  4. Do 10 repetitions per side.

5. Iron with hip movements

The exercise iron is quite popular because it allows to work many muscle groups. It is a position of resistance with which the waist, abdomen and buttocks are molded . As if that were not enough, it also serves to reduce tension in the lower back.

This variation incorporates a simple hip movement that increases its intensity.

How to do it?

  1. First, face down

  2. Lie on the floor with your forearms and toes

  3. Make sure you keep your back straight and start moving your hips from side to side in a controlled way.

  4. Hold for 30 to 45 seconds.

6. Waist in motion

The waist moving to both sides is one of the classic activities to mold and tone this area.

How to do it?

  1. First, spread your legs a little, put your hands on your waist and bend your knees slightly.

  2. Then, turn your waist as far as you can to the right side

  3. Then, turn left also in a controlled manner.

  4. Keep your back straight during the exercise and make sure you only move your waist, leaving your hip still.

  5. Do a series of 20 repet

6 exercises to get rid of abdominal fat at home

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