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5 differences between yoga and pilates

Yoga and pilates are two activities that work the muscles of the whole body in harmony. Know here some differences between yoga and pilates.

Yoga and Pilates are physical activities beneficial to health because they provide vitality and well-being. Although they have similarities, we will explain 5 differences between yoga and pilates.

Yoga is a discipline native to Hinduism, which means the union between body and mind , seeks to create a balance to generate the well-being of the individual. There are different types of yoga, but the essence is to perform postures that will benefit the functioning of the body, but in a state of concentration.

On the other hand, Pilates is a physical and mental conditioning system that combines dynamism and postural correction . This system was created by Joseph Pilates in the twentieth century and seeks to strengthen the body through a meditative attitude and self - knowledge .

Pilates takes yoga as a basic discipline and between them there are similarities and differences. The benefit of these physical activities will be that they will strengthen your body and keep you busy. Be it yoga or pilates, do not stop exercising and feed your soul.

The movements in each discipline involve the anatomy of the exercise because the muscles of the legs, arms, back, abdomen, feet, hands and other parts of the body will be worked. The movement of the body benefits the circulation and reduces the risks of suffering from heart disease and other diseases caused by stress.

Occupying the mind and body in a physical activity will reduce the risks of illness. Each discipline emphasizes different aspects. Below we list differences between yoga and pilates:

Differences between yoga and pilates

Occupying the mind and body in a physical activity will reduce the risks of illness. Each discipline emphasizes different aspects. Below we list 5 differences between yoga and pilates.

1. Meditative or spiritual practice

The fundamental difference between yoga and pilates is the spiritual element . Yoga has a spiritual purpose and is to achieve balance between body and mind through meditation. For Pilates, the goal is to tone the body, the mental element is self-knowledge beyond meditation.

In a yoga class starting meditating and culminating with relaxation are the essence of the practice. In Pilates class meditation is not important because it focuses on the physical. However, Pilates has psychological benefits .

2. Stretching

In yoga practice stretching is important, there are postures that are for stretching body parts. At the beginning of the class, it must be heated with stretching movements to be able to execute the different positions of torsion, flexibility and strength. Stretching in yoga is a symbol of vitality and respect for the body .

Pilates does not require further stretching. At the beginning of the class the warm up is simple and the force will be applied in the movements of the practice. For Pilates you need an awareness of your body and know the limits of strength that you can apply.

3. The dynamism of the movement

The yoga class can have dynamic moments and, depending on the type of yoga, the movements will be fluid. However, there are always moments of tranquility during class that allow peace of mind.

Pilates is movement and energy. The whole class will be to measure physical endurance and tone muscles. Strengthening the body and toning are Pilates goals.

4. Use of implements for the class

In a yoga class for beginners you will see implements such as garters or pads to improve postures. However, these are not relevant to yoga, because the body will be the center of practice. Yoga does not need implements, but the connection between body and mind .
For the pilates it is essential to use leagues, balls, mats, weights and any other implement that helps tone the body. During the practice of Pilates these implements may be used depending on the strength and dynamics of the class.

5. Space for class practice

Yoga should be practiced in a quiet place, be it in a room or outdoor space. Peace and silence of space will be fundamental for the class, because yoga is tranquility.

Pilates class should be in a room or gym that has the tools available to tone the body. Without these requirements, the Pilates goal will not be achieved. Pilates is more related to joy and movement.

There are many differences between both disciplines, but both disciplines, yoga and pilates, will help you maintain physical well-being . Give your body a moment of vitality. Choose any of the two disciplines according to your preferences, and enjoy physical and mental activity.

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